Sunnah of Cutting Nails

Sunnah of cutting nails

 It is  preferred to cut nails on Friday. one ought not wait t for Friday if the nails have become long.

(Durr-e-Mukhtar, pp. 668, vol. 9) 

The Sage of Fiqh, Shaykh Mufti Maulana Amjad 'Ali A'zami عَلَیهِ رَحْمَةُ اﷲِ الۡقَـوِی said,

'It is portrayed that whosoever cuts his/her nails on Friday, Allahعَزَّوَجَلَّ will shield him from cataclysms till the following Friday and for three days from there on, that is, for 10 days. In one portrayal, it is said that whosoever cuts his/her nails on Friday, he will show leniency and sins will be pardoned.'

(Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Muhtar, pp. 9, vol. 668, Bahar-e-Shariat, section 16, pp. 225-226) 

Coming up next is the synopsis of the endorsed technique for cutting nails of hands: Begin with the pointer of the correct hand and clasp your nails in succession towards the pinkie (littlest finger). Presently, starting with the pinkie of your left hand and clasp your nails in grouping towards the left thumb including the nail of the left thumb. Eventually, cut the nail of the correct thumb.

(Durr-e-Mukhtar, pp. 670, vol. 9, Ihya-ul-Uloom pp. 193, vol. 1) 

There is no endorsed request of cutting the toe nails. It is smarter to begin from the littlest toe on the correct foot and cut all together [towards the privilege thumb], including the thumb, at that point cut all together on the left foot starting

with the thumb [towards the left pinkie].

(Durr-e-Mukhtar, pp. 670, vol. 9, Ihya-ul-Uloom pp. 193, vol. 1) 

It is Makrooh [disliked] to cut the nails in the territory of Janabat i.e., when Ghusl [the Purification Bath] gets required.

(Fatawa 'Alamgiri, pp. 358, vol. 5) 

It is Makrooh [disliked] to cut nails with one's teeth; there is a dread of being caused with uncleanliness in doing as such.

(Fatawa 'Alamgiri, pp. 358, vol. 5) 

Cover the nails in the wake of cutting them; there is additionally no damage on the off chance that they are discarded.

(Fatawa-e-'Alamgiri, pp. 358, vol. 5) 

It is Makrooh [disliked] to toss the nails in the latrine or restroom as this causes sickness. (Fatawa 'Alamgiri, pp. 358, vol. 5) 

Try not to cut nails on Wednesday as this can cause infection, in any case, if 39 days have passed since the nails have been cut and Wednesday turns out to be the 40th day, at that point it is Wajib [obligatory] to cut the nails as it is impermissible and Makrooh Tahrimi [unlawful] to sit tight for more than forty (40) days.

(For subtleties read Fatawa-e-Razawiyya, vol. 22, pp. 574, 685)

Long nails are the seats for Satan i.e. Satan sits on the long nails.

(Ithaf-us-Sadat-li-Zubaydi, vol. 2, pp. 653


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