Sunnah way of eating

Manners of eating

  Eating is love

Dear Islamic brothers! Food is an incredible heavenly kindness with various flavors and 

tastes for us. It is an act of reward to eat Ḥalāl food with well meaning goals adjusting to 

Shariah and Sunnah 

A noble man Ḥakīm-ul-Ummat, Shaykh Muftī Aḥmad Yār Khān

Said that 

            "Ingesting is a shape of worship for a Muslim"

Excellence of Halal Morsel

There are numerous favors for us in eating as indicated by the Sunnaĥ of Beloved and Blessed 

Prophet Shaykh Sayyidunā Imām Muhammad Ghazālī has said the following saying 

of a holy person in the second volume of his reality well known book, 


'When a Muslim eats the main piece of Ḥalāl food, he is acquitted of the 

sins he submitted before. [Furthermore,] the person who goes to a position of embarrassment 

looking for Ḥalāl food, his transgressions fall like the leaves that tumble from a tree."

(Iḥyā-ul- 'Ulūm, vol. 2, pp. 116)

How to make a goal for eating? 

It is a Sunnaĥ to eat just when one is hungry. One should make the accompanying expectation 

prior to eating:

I'm eating to acquire solidarity to venerate Allah Eating just to 

relish the taste isn't something to be thankful for. Shaykh Sayyidunā Ibrāĥīm Bin Shaybān/

has expressed,

'I have not eaten anything for the simple fulfillment of my Nafs [i.e. bodily desires] for a very long time.'

(Iḥyā-ul-'Ulūm, vol. 2, pp. 5)

One ought to likewise make the aim of 

eating under one's hunger, as the goal of eating to acquire strength for the love of Allah  will be genuine just when one eats under one's hunger since ravenousness 

causes a prevention in love. Moreover, eating less food improves one's well being and 

such an individual once in a while needs to visit a specialist.

What amount of food ought to be consumed

Simply a couple of pieces are adequate for him to hold his back straight. On the off chance that he 

can't do as such, at that point he should keep one third [of his stomach] for food, one third  for water and one third for air

Intentions of eating 

i'm able to 

1. make Wuḍū earlier than, and 

2. after ingesting meals (i.e. i'm able to wash arms and mouth and rinse it). 

i'm able to consume meals to benefit strength to 

3. worship, 

4. recite the [Holy Quran], 

5. serve my dad and mom, 

6. accumulate religious information, 

7. tour with a Madanī Qāfilaĥ in an effort to research Sunnaĥ, 

8. partake inside the region-visit to call people closer to righteousness, 

9. contemplate over the subjects of the Hereafter and 

10. earn Ḥalāl sustenance to satisfy my needs. 

(those intentions may be useful most effective while one consumes food less than his appetite. Conversely, immoderate eating only engenders laziness in worship, inclination closer to sin, belly illnesses and disorders)

[I will] 

11. eat sitting on the floor. 

12. use a dining-mata according to Sunnaĥ. 

13. observe veil within veil2

 (with the kurta or the shawl). 

14. sit according to Sunnaĥ. 

  Small cloth etc., spread on the ground, on which food, drinks etc. are served then clean it.

15 Recite Bismillah before eating

16. also, other Du'ās preceding devouring food. 

17. eat with three fingers. 

18. eat little pieces. 

19. bite the food appropriately. 

20. recount ُ Ya Wajiddu

Prior to eating each piece (or I will discus Bismillah and Ya Wajiddu

before burning-through each piece and Alhamdulliah at ِ the end). 

21. get and eat the grains of food if fall on the feasting mat. 

22. eat over the holder of curry (so that each bread morsel falls into the holder). 

23. lick the bones and flavors and so forth clean completely

 24 devour much less than urge for food. 

25. wash  the plate clean at the end with the intention of following Sunnaĥ. 

26. lick the fingers smooth three times. 

27. (after cleaning the plate, i'm able to) pour water into it and drink the water to earn the 

reward of freeing a slave. 

28. not stand up unnecessarily except the eating-mat has been removed (as it's also a 


29. (after consuming, i can) recite Masnūn Du’ās at the side of Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī as soon as earlier than 

and after the Du’ās. 

30. select my tooth. 


 Pour some water into the plate so that you can without problems put off the debris of meals which have clung to the plate.


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