Islamic Pearls of Drinking Water


Pearls of drinking water

1. Try not to drink [water] in a one breath like a camel. In any case 

Maybe, savor it a few breaths. Recount Bismillah before you drink it and when you have tanked it, recount Alhamdulliah.

( Sunan-ut-Tirmizi, vol. 3, pp. 352, Hadees 1892) 

2. The Noblest Rasool (SAW) prohibited from taking breath or blowing into the pot. 
(Sunan Abi Dawood, vol. 3, pp. 474, Hadees 3728) 

Remarking on previously mentioned favored Hadees, a Famous observer, an incredible mastermind of Ummah, 

Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan(RA)

has expressed: 

"Taking in holder is a demonstration done by creatures"
Steps of drinking water

also, get your mouth far from compartment when you inhale as the breath is once in a while toxic (for example get glass far from mouth while breathing out breath). Do 

not blow on hot tea or milk to chill it off, however hang tight for some time, when it gets a little chilly, at that point drink it. 

(Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 6, pp. 77

By and by, there is no damage in blowing onto water after discussing Durood Shareef and so on, with the goal of looking for fix. 

3.Say Bismillah before drinking water
4. Drink in little tastes by sucking the water, enormous tastes cause liver infection. 

5. Savor water three breaths. 

6. Drink water utilizing the correct hand and in sitting position. 

7. Drinking water left in ewer after Wudu (bathing) is a remedy for 70 sicknesses, as it takes after Zamzam water. With the exception of these two (for example extra water of Wudu and Zamzam water), drinking any sort of water while 
standing is Makruh. (Gotten from: Fatawa Razawiyyah, vol. 4, pp. 575; vol. 21, pp. 669) Drink extra water of Wudu and Zamzam water while standing and confronting Qiblah. 

8. Ensure that there is no unsafe thing and so on in the beverage (water and so forth) before you drink it.
 (Ithaf-us-Sadah vol. 5, pp.594)

9. After drinking water say Alhamdulliah


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