How to perform Salat _ ul Tasbih

 Rasulullah ﷺ is described to have said to his uncle Hazrat 'Abbas (R.A): O Abbas! O my uncle! Will I not give you a blessing? Will I not show you something through which Allah will pardon your wrongdoings, the first and the remainder of them, the past and later, the inadvertent and the purposeful, the little and enormous, the mystery and open?

 The Holy Prophet ﷺ at that point showed him the Salat ul-Tasbih. Besides he exhorted him that it be offered every day, if conceivable. In the event that not, each Friday or once per month or once every year or possibly once in one's life time. (Abu Dawood)

What is Salat_ul Tasbih

Salatul Tasbih (صلاة تسبيح) is also called Tasbih's Salat. Here, Tasbih signifies "Subhanallahi wal Hamdulillahi, wala Ilaha Illallahu, wallahu Akbar". In which salat those tasbihs are perused, that sort of salat is known as Salatul Tasbih. It isn't care for the obligatory five time of salats, however an extraordinary sort of salat. Muhammad encouraged his Ummahs to supplicate this salat for at any rate one time in their life


    "Subhanallahi wal Hamdulillahi, wala Ilaha Illallahu, wallahu Akbar"


Method of Salat_ul Tasbih

  • Subsequent to beginning the Salah and discussing Sana, recount this tasbih 15 times  

  • In the wake of presenting Surah Fatiha and another Surah, recount this tasbih 10 times 

  • During Rukuh, in the wake of saying recommended glorifications, discuss the tasbih 10 times 

  • In the wake of standing up from Rukuh, present the tasbih 10  times 

  • In the primary Sajda after glorifications, discuss the tasbih 10  times 

  • In the Jalsa (between the Sajda) discuss the tasbih 10  times 

  • Again present the tasbih 10  times in the second sajdah 

  • Rehash this technique for each of the four Rak'at of the salah to finish the tally of the tasbih to 300

Considerations to keep in mind

  • Try not to check uproariously 

  • Try not to depend on fingers or utilizing a tasbih 

  • It is prescribed to check by delicately squeezing the fingers as an update
  • In the event that an include is missed in any position, compensate for it in the following stance 

  • Attempt to keep the psyche as zeroed in on the Dhikr as could be expected. Gradually yet in the end, the tasbih will begin making your day during the salah, and give you a remarkable otherworldly encounter
  • Since the tasbih is tied in with lauding Allah and His endowments, it is a decent practice to continue to help yourself to remember His gifts and favors as you discuss the tasbih

  • "With the approach of Ramadan, it is a fantastic opportunity to join it into our Ibadah to receive the full rewards of this superb supplication"


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